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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."

-Albert Einstein

Sheryl Waxler, Ph.D., MBA

I have been fortunate enough to have a wide variety of professional experiences from clinical and forensic psychology to organizational consulting, executive and professional 

coaching, working in a variety of settings with diverse clientele- and they all wanted the same thing: to be their best. I also know the struggle to reach your best when I finally realized, in graduate school, that I had to work differently because I could not read the same way as everyone else! Then, I became a parent to an amazing twice exceptional child. Through her, I re-tooled and became an expert in learning and saw first hand how performance issues apply to everyone. We have a saying in our house: find your shine. I believe that everyone has that potential and it is our job to help every individual experience it.

Rachel Currie-Rubin, Ed.D.

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a whole network to educate one. I have been lucky to have attended school and then worked in places that have helped stretch and grow me as a learner and a thinker. My work has taken me to academia and research and also to direct work with students and families. In every setting I've been, I meet adults and children that feel isolated and confused because of a recent diagnosis, feelings of inadequacy around learning, or the isolation that comes when it feels like no one understands. I strive to be the first point in their new network. I consider my work in assessment and teaching to be both scientific and deeply emotional. Maya Angelou once said, "...people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Whether it is working with a child learning to read or explaining a complex diagnosis, I think like a scientist and strive for connection and deep understanding. 

Nancy Henderson, B.A.

I have spent 40 years in education with experience as Director of Admissions, Dean of Students, Department Chair, Academic Dean and teacher of humanities and science. My students have taught me that the ability to meet the needs of all learners and value divergent thinking is what defines teaching as an exceptional profession. When I turned 50, I became a student of a sport I had left at 18.  This opportunity to be a struggling student facing a steep learning curve has not only been humbling, but it has clarified my views of both teaching and learning, and it has helped me examine the kinds of growth and change that lead to success in all its meanings.

Amanda Crutcher, B.S.,

With a life time of experience with nutrition, I know that everyone has a unique nutritional profile. Sometimes making dietary changes are a remedy, shifting the body and the brain by making that change. Sometimes determining food sensitivities and allergies can alter how the brain processes.  I believe in nutrient dense foods and the value of omega 3 fatty acids in benefitting cognition. We are all genetically unique and need an individualized strategy. However, our food, ideally, should be as fresh and as pure as can be sourced.  It is our job to ensure that each individual is fueling the body in the most efficient and effective manner, targeting best food habits to fuel the biggest end user of our nutrition, the brain. 

If You Are Really Curious

Our Backgrounds

Sheryl Waxler, Ph.D., M.B.A. -

Education: Barnard College/Columbia University, Pomona College, The California School of Professional Psychology, Babson College.

Internships: The Glen Roberts Child Study Center, Verdugo Mental Health, Saint John's Hospital and Child Study Center.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship: The Orange County Court and Evaluation Unit, Orange County Juvenile Hall and Dependency Programs.

Employment: Clinical Director Taunton Secure Care, Clinical Director Meadowridge Behavioral Health Center and School, Justice Resource Institute, Principal Inner Networks Incorporated, VP Lockebridge, Director Inner Networks, Independent Consultant and Psychologist MA and NY, Chief executive and family officer Waxler-Linfield Enterprises

Rachel Currie-Rubin, Ed.D.-

Education: Ithaca College (B.S.), Harvard Graduate School of Education (Ed.M., Ed.D.)

Employment: Children’s Hospital Boston (educator for interdisciplinary psychoeducational assessment team), Private Practice reading instruction and  psychoeducational assessment, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Lesley, and Emerson College adjunct professor of psychoeducational assessment, Learning Scientist at CAST, Senior Researcher at the Carroll School, Academic Support Coordinator at the Williston Northampton School

Training: Orton-Gillingham, LiPS, and Maloney Reading Method trained

Nancy Henderson, B.A.-

Education: Middlebury College, Holderness School

Employment: The Academy at Charlemont, The Bement School, Miss Porter's School, The Ethel Walker School, Milton Academy, The Hotchkiss School

Amanda Crutcher,, M.S. nutrition pending 

Education: Reed College, New England School of Acupuncture, currently studying at Western State University

Employment:  Shattuck Hospital Pain Management Clinic, Solstice Medical Center, Santa Rosa Strength and Conditioning


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