What's your Success?
Performing at your potential in school, work or life requires self-awareness and the use of a wide variety of skills. Success comes from active engagement in learning, knowing the skills needed, how to use the skills and the understanding that intelligence and performance are not fixed. Our strategy combines observation, assessment, and coaching to help you utilize your strengths and optimize your success.
A strengths-based approach to developing your unique potential.
Coaching in the areas of:
Learning and personal performance
Executive function skills
Giftedness and twice exceptionalities
Homework effectiveness
Reading and writing skills
Stress management
Also offering:
Dyslexia screenings
Executive function assessment
Psychoeducational evaluations
Classroom/performance observations
Learning and performance plans
Parent and teacher consultations
Test interpretation
Attention training
Teacher training
Seminars and Workshops:
Study skills
Middle and High school success
Memory strategies
Dyslexia simulations
Written expression
Executive function and the brain
Giftedness and Twice Exceptionalities
Mindfulness and the effects of stress
Nutritional approaches for better brain function
Sometimes you just need someone in your corner. Sometimes you just need someone to remind you that you are capable. Sometimes you just need someone to identify what to focus on, teach you the skills required and hold you accountable. When everyone says you are smart, but you just can't seem to get it together, and push for more, sometimes you just need someone to show you the way. Intelligence and talent only take you so far. Sometimes you need to understand the strength of perseverance and effort.
We are parents, educators, psychologists and coaches who have been there. We know what it is to feel as if you are just not performing at your best in school, in life, at work or sport. We know that everyone has their own unique passions as well and that sometimes those get overlooked while other less desirable elements take the focus. We also know what it feels like to watch your capable child struggle, question and doubt. Our approach is to find those passions, highlight the strengths and champion. We go beyond the idea of fixed intelligence and get to the grit of the matter.
We gather information, observe, evaluate, make plans, coach and help you follow through. You are not alone.
Is your capable child struggling in school?
Is he/she not getting homework completed or forgetting to turn it in?
Is he/she disorganized?
Call us for a free phone consultation to find out how we can help your child meet his/her unique potential.
50 Center Street, Suite 6
Northampton, MA 01060
To ensure confidentiality, we do not use contact pages. Please call and we can discuss your thoughts and concerns